The 212 Sales Professional
A workshop that focuses on building basic sales capabilities and paradigms and assess one self on some critical competencies
Consultative Selling
Selling keeping in mind the needs and aspirations of the customer
NegoInfluencing Skills
A workshop that focuses primary on the psychology and skills of negotiations using your influencing styles, skills and strategy
The Adaptable Sales Professional
A workshop that helps explore one’s communication and relational capabilities and how could a sales professional adapt to win more customers
Selling beyond The Sky
Insight Out selling focusing on creativity and innovation of creating products and services that anticipate future needs and help create a blueprint around it. It is more about creating the concept rather than selling the concept
The Winning Sales Proposition
Creating, designing, packaging, delivering and positioning one’s brand portfolio in the right light and with the right tone of confidence and partnership
The DISC Sales Profiler
Selling by understanding your sales personality, natural strengths and limitation areas and your sales competency map benchmarked against successful sales professional attributes globally
Sales Audits
An intervention to observe, map and patternize the interactions between your sales professionals and customers and recommend brand behaviors that would resonate with your customers positive impressions about you
A Train The Trainer workshop for Sales Leaders that focuses on building sales ad teamworking abilities in your teams through training, engagement, inspiration and coaching
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